How it works.

  • Book your space

    Download our catalogue here to explore our studios and features. Contact us via WhatsApp or Instagram (@shootsandpodcasts) to check availability and reserve your preferred slot. Secure your reservation by paying a deposit.

    Booking Approval: You’ll receive a confirmation call/message from our team once everything is set.

  • Selection of Props/Equipments/Backdrops

    Once your booking is approved, choose from our range of props, equipment, and backdrops to personalize your shoot or recording experience.

    We give the choice of using all available props at no extra charges (except bigger props like sofas, chairs and tables which can be rented at an extra cost).

  • Shoot or Record

    Arrive on the scheduled date, and our team will ensure everything is perfectly set up for your session.

    From preparing the backdrops to arranging the props, we’ve got you covered—just bring your creativity and start shooting or recording!

For regular users, explore our membership packages for better rates and additional benefits, including discounted hourly rates and monthly studio hours.